We're committed to helping you prepare for and pass your NCLEX-RN exam! Get started with our complimentary live and on-demand webinars, and the free NCLEX questions and tips provided weekly through our NCLEX Blog and New Nurse Newsletter.
Check back for upcoming live webinars, or email us to be notified of our next live presentation. In the meantime, check out one of our free on-demand webinars below.
If you are a school or a group of 10 or more, you may arrange a live, private NCLEX webinar with NCLEX Education Owner & Founder Shelly Luhning, RN BScN MN ENC(C) CCNE.
Overwhelmed with NCLEX-RN resources? Maybe you’ve tried other resources that haven’t worked. In this 80-minute webinar, you'll learn about the various NCLEX resources and how to prepare for the exam. NCLEX Education Owner & Founder Shelly Luhning, RN BScN MN ENC(C) CCNE, will share specific study strategies and a study approach to the NCLEX-RN exam.
There are many myths and misconceptions about the NCLEX NGN exam. In this 80-minute webinar, you'll take a deep dive to learn how the exam is structured, how to pass, and the types of questions on the exam. NCLEX Education Owner & Founder Shelly Luhning, RN BScN MN ENC(C) CCNE, will cover study approaches, strategies, and tips for the NCLEX-RN exam.
Sign up for the New Nurse Newsletter to receive weekly NCLEX-RN tips and tricks and other relevant information to help you prepare for the the NCLEX exam!
We share a new NCLEX question with New Nurse Newsletter subscribers each week. These questions will help you to pass the NCLEX-RN exam and assist you as a new nurse.
Each week in the New Nurse Newsletter you'll also hear from former students who had NCLEX success and now have RN behind their names!
"NCLEX Education helped me pass the NCLEX with 75 questions...NCLEX Education not only helped me pass my NCLEX, it will help me be an amazing RN."
~ Geena O.
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